Fiscal 2020: The Worsening!

Hello friends,

As some of you may know, we lost Kale’s dad earlier this month from complications brought on by COVID. We went home to be with his mother, who is recovering with her COVID battle, and sister. There were lots of projects that needed to be done that needed several hands, we were happy to do it. We had not gotten our test results back, so we were wearing masks most of the time unless extreme social distancing allowed otherwise (both were negative). Grieving while wearing a mask is an odd thing. It’s an automatic Kleenex and no one can see your ugly crying mug while you try to reconcile a loved one being plucked away like he was nothing. And that’s what so horrible about this disease. You very quickly become just another statistic, while your family can’t even put a spotlight on your life because there’s no room for a funeral - At least, not something one can do safely. Centuries of ritual have given us a good handle on grief, permanence, and impermanence. Without some pomp and circumstance, it was just four people stuck in a house we hadn’t seen since last Christmas, with an unexplained ABSENCE in every room. He wasn’t in the living room doing a crossword, so he must be in the computer room writing up the family newsletter or giggling at his latest chain email. But he wasn’t there. He was just gone. And we didn’t get to say goodbye. We were all wrestling with the sudden loss, but also with anger. Oklahoma has not implemented severe safety protocols like New Mexico has done and their people are paying the price. Recently, it was reported that Oklahoma’s governor, Kevin Stitt, withheld information that would have save lived. Many of our friends and family live in Oklahoma and most of them are exasperated with the lackadaisical attitude toward masks and CDC guidelines.
In New Mexico, we’ve been incredibly fortunate to have a governor who is putting public health above profit. Restaurants are patio dining or takeout only, the bars have STILL not re-opened, all of our festivals, opera, and concerts (all things New Mexicans rely on to stay above water) have been cancelled because anything else would be irresponsible for keeping each other alive. Our store has suffered greatly from this pandemic, but we will happily take our lumps if it means saving ONE person. Three weeks in a hospital, never being able to catch your breath, so weak you can barely move, muscles atrophied, hallucinations, cold meals, thrush from antibiotics and constant oxygen, wracked stomach, no visitors, no books, no crosswords, and fear were what filled his last moments. All things that a little piece of fabric can prevent. Knowing what we know now, having seen the full effects of this pernicious disease, the willful ignorance and wanton cruelty of those who see mask-wearing as virtue signaling just crushes my heart. Especially, when compounded with what selfless people my in-laws are/were.

So now we’re back home in New Mexico, waiting out our two-week quarantine. When we re-open on September 2nd, we will have Monday and Tuesday appointment only days, then we’ll open Wednesday through Saturday 11am-4pm, masks over nose and mouth/6ft social distancing required. As always, you are more than welcome to order online. To that point, I’ve implemented a $15 flat shipping fee rather than raise the prices on the rest of the inventory. Shipping for most packages is around $17-18. I am trying to support the USPS, but sometimes I use FedEx, it’s about 50/50. If you have a preference you can always email me.

October 26 will mark the one year anniversary since our wretched house fire. It’s been what Kale and I affectionately call “The Worsening” ever since. We try to take everything in stride but this has definitely put our mettle to the test. So we’ve decided to make October 2019-October 2020 our “fiscal year” and hopefully, everything will be better in November - Specifically after November 3rd.

As always, we thank you for your support,

Cindy, Kale & Bruiser

P.S. Our calendars are 50% off so you can count down the days ‘til 2021!

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