Mid-Century Craze!

Hey gang! Fall is upon us and Kale and I are loving every minute of it. We have been diligently working in the shop, getting our new merchandise in the store and ONLINE! We have so many fun new things (and more are coming)! I hope you enjoy browsing as much as I did finding them. We’re featuring more on our “botanical” wall. Lots of fun new mugs, notebooks, and the like for the science buff! And our MCM wall continues to grow, with cocktail tumblers, alarm clocks, coasters and MORE!

We are featuring some wonderful artists, including: Nisa Blackmon (Jewelry Artist/silversmith), Jane Hruska (Jewelry Artist), Amber Clour (Jewelry Artist), Jason Wilson (Visual Artist/Acrylics), Denise Duong (Visual Artist/Watercolor/Ink), Kale Blackmon (Visual Artist/Sculptor/Acrylics/Culinary Arts), Armando Ortiz (Jewelry Artist/Visual Artist/Haute Couture Fashion Designer).

As always, thank you for supporting small business!

One of our fun new encouragement cards! Perfect for a fart of a year like 2020.

One of our fun new encouragement cards! Perfect for a fart of a year like 2020.